I'm just hoping to God I don't get attached to you because you are fantastic, if anything I hope you get attached to me. Haha oh goodness, we're the best.


Thinking of starting a design blog on Blogspot.. Of course. A blog of fashion, art, architecture. All unusual that I like.
What to do...
I have never been happier.. Thank God you're gone. Steph was right, you pulled me down every minute of every day.
So... I have a day off tomorrow, it's a public holiday... The Melbourne Cup. And I am all alone, at home, at 8pm and I'm watching Blair With Project.

Thanks Renee for your brilliant wingman work.
So I'm watching Blair Witch Project on 'Show Action' on Foxtel right? And the stupid bitch in this, well actually she is rather smart seeing as she made millions for this movie and it's all bullshit... Not the point but she says at the start of their journey, "it's pissing down rain and we can't even get a fire started". Like... No shit? Did you expect a fire to light in heavy rain? Does that usually happen for you? Fucking idiot bitchalsdkfjasdolfkaj;m.
All these posts prior to this, I know, I overexaggerated, I was lonely and now? I take it all back. Last night, it was the greatest night I've had within a year. This is meant to happen between you and I and I know I'll be better off without you and you will better off without me.
For I crave freedom.
All precious thoughts born in the shower.