I hope you read this, okay? I have been trying to let little bits out to a few different people but I am just not satisfied. I promised myself that I wouldn't do this even though I promise myself, I can't trust myself anymore and that is because of you - you manipulative prick. This is the last time and the only time that I am going to let every thought out but this time I don't care if it makes sense or it sounds idiotic and wrong. I am not cocky, I just have a lot of dignity, self respect and faith in myself but who the fuck are you to try and thieve that away from me? And who the fuck are you to even say in the first place that you are "in love with me". Love isn't real, I'll tell you what's fucking real? Emotional attachment - that's what's fucking real, not this petty "I'm in love with you" act. You raped me from day one of the regretful three hundred and sixty five days, making sure I was all caught up with this unreal, lovey bullshit that I thought only existed in the movies and guess what? It only exists in the fucking movies. Three hundred and sixty five days is a fucking long time to lie and not just to me but to yourself and that my friend; is called the ultimate low. You planned to make me think I was in love with you and you were the only man for me but hey! A fucking round of an applause goes to you! You did it! You won! You manipulated me when I was most vulnerable; at my youth, to think that you were only a dream. Truth is, you're a fat, manipulative fucking asshole who would take any opportunity to take advantage of one if it benefitted you.
You're low and it's hard to say because I feel stupid for doing it in the first place but rest in peace, three hundred and sixty five days - you are nothing but a vague memory sitting in the bottom of a stale thought.
Give me my $100, shoes, clothes and year back, you heartless fucking paedophile. .